
Homecierge Members enjoy the benefit of the following services:


Keeping your home maintained is a vitally important but time consuming task. Homecierge will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that only the required work takes place and that your residence is kept in top shape without any unnecessary disruption to your day.

Buying & Selling

From offering consultation and advice on agent choice to arranging viewing schedules, Homecierge will mangage the purchase process from beginning-to-end. We will also make sure you receive the best possible price when selling your home and take care of dealing with all interested parties throughout the process.


From manicured lawns to spotless stonework, Homecierge can help in keeping your home clean. As a member of Homecierge you can count on us to to arrange and make sure this is always the case.


The Homcierge team will be able to assist with meeting contractors at your home. The added benefit to membership is the ease of task being able to be completed whilst traveling. Your Home Concierge will be able to coordinate tasks without any disruption to your lives.


As a member of Homecierge, we will manage the administrative duties that come with property ownership. Upon joining, we will assess each property you own, create a condition and services report and we will prepare a schedule for the upcoming year.

Emergencies & Security

Unfortunately, the occasional mishap may occur and your week or day might be thrown out due to an issue at home. Homecierge will provided the added security of monitoring your homes welbing whist out of the country.


With the rise of home automation comes the rise of new things to understand and in a lot of cases a higher risk of things not working as simply anymore. Our network of providers and our team are trained in technological matters and will be on hand to assist when required.

Weekenders and holiday home

We understand that your home-away-from-home is still very much a part of your family's life, and can assist in preparation should there be a last minute trip to the beach or ski chalet. There's nothing quite like stepping in the front door to know there is milk in the fridge and food in the pantry, ready for a relaxing weekend away.